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In the summer of 1994, we visited Connie's Uncle Bill in Kentucky and he took us out on his boat. We all had a great time, and that gave me the motivation to buy a boat.

In August 1995, I bought the 1980 Sylvan 19' aluminum boat. The family had a good time in that boat both on our local lake and on lake Erie a little bit. I built the garage large enough to hold that boat.

In the fall of 2000, Alex & I built a small boat.

In 2001, I bought the 23' SeaRay and gave the Sylvan to Tennesee Trek. It is now known as "the Boyd boat."
We had good times on the SeaRay. Took two vacations to Lake Erie in 2003 and 2004

In 2005, I sold the SeaRay and bought a motorcycle.

On July 15, 2009, I sold the motorcycle and bought (or at least I thought I did) a Chrysler C22 (22 foot) sailboat. Well, it wasn't quite that simple, but that's the essence of it. A few days later, the owner tells me they can't find the title - the deal is off. It leaves me wondering if I should buy a boat at all.

I keep searching and find an S2 6.8 for sale in Toledo. I had passed over this thing originally and then noticed it the second time I was searching. As I do research on it, I find that Ed Ramsey right here in Mansfield owns two of them, his dad owns one (original owner) and his brother owns one. Ed is all over the Internet in forums asking and answering questions. I have an S2 6.8 expert living right here in town with me!

August 8, 2009 - I went to look at the S2 in Toledo. Its in nice shape. A little more than I wanted to pay, but it does have a lot of extras.
Ed says it takes two to step the mast, but that he has done it by himself once or twice. The owner in Toledo says it takes four. Well, three can do it, but four is better. It leaves me wondering about if I can single hand this thing. It also leaves me wondering if I will quickly come to not want to sail. I think all the rigamarole around getting to the lake and getting in the water was what made me not want to go boating before. I was constantly worried there would be a problem with the trailer, or I'd forget to do something and blow the boat up, or run it aground, etc. Constant stress over something going wrong. With a sailboat which is much more complex, will trailering it just exaserbate this and make it a total pain to go boating?

The excitement (adventure) is back. I could hardly sleep last night, thinking about this boat. Kind of stupid I guess. But this excitement I think is what drives me.

I looked a 21' Venture this morning in Salem. It is a real project. On the way home I called the owner of the S2 and we agreed on a price. I just have to get the money and go get the boat. Wow, I'm a sailboater now

January 2010 - I happened across this image on my computer. A small print of this painting by Warner Sallman hung on my bedroom wall as I was a boy growing up. I can't say that it had much meaning for me then, but now it does.

The painting is titled "Christ As My Pilot." I endevor to have Christ as the pilot of my life and hope that he will also be with me in my boating to provide wisdom and safety.

I wonder if Sallman intentionally painted Christ proportionally larger than the sailor to illustrate Christ's power or did he just deem it necessary to make Christ more visible behind the sailor? It does make the picture more appropriate for the boy growing up, as the sailor looks more like a boy in comparison to Christ.
September 17, 2010
I traded the S2 for an O'Day 192
December 3, 2010.
I was surfing on Youtube and found this video of Tennessee Erie Ford singing "Let The Lower Lights Be Burning." A great Christian seaman's song.

I've been thinking about some goals I have for sailing.
  1. I would like to be able to join Great Lakes Single Handed Sailing Society, which means I have to sail at least a 26' boat for three days non-stop single handed, and I'd have to have 100 hours of sailing experience before I can even try it.
  2. I would like to get the US Coast Guard Captains Lincense ("6-Pack" license), which reguires 120 days of boating (minimum 4 hours per day) plus past some tests. I think the tests will be easy in comparison to getting the experience.
Several things are for sure:
  • I need to start keeping a log when I go out.
  • I need to go for a minimum of 4 hours each trip.
  • I need to make a concerted effort to go sailing.

September 16, 2011

I got a new boat. A Minifish. Since I didn't get my O'Day into the water this summer until Sept. 14th, I thought having a smaller boat would make it easier to get out on the lake sailing more frequently..

May 21, 2016

Sold the O'Day

June 2016

Sold the MiniFish

July 6, 2017

Bought yet another boat. Crownline 180