Mark Boyd's Family Pages

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2006 Montana
--- June 16th
--- June 17th
--- June 18th
--- June 19th
--- June 20th
--- June 21, 22

Why this web site.

You need to know this.

June 18, 2006
Touring Yellowstone

We started at the West Gate and drove the northern loop and finished that about 1:30, so we decided to do the southern loop. We had originally planned on doing this in two days, but found that we weren't that enthralled by the park. In comparison to Yosemite, Yellowstone's scenery isn't that exciting, and there's a lot more driving required to see it. We did see much more wildlife in Yellowstone (eagle, bear, bison, elk) than in Yosemite, and of course there are no boiling sulfer springs or gyesers in Yosemite, but the geography is more spectacular in Yosemite, so we were a little bit underwelmed.

There are several pictures below to look through. We took many more, especially Connie, but I have no idea why. Who will ever look at them? Be sure to look all the way to the end to see Old Faithful, for which Yellowstone is probably most famous (and I think rightly so).

The one thing in Yellowstone Park that I wanted to see, we were not able to see, and that was the Yellowstone Inn, which was constructed in 1908. It was closed for renovations.
You see bison all over the park. Sometimes in herds, sometimes lone individuals. This was the largest herd we saw.

A water fall. One of several.

The largest gyeser (don't remember its name). It goes off infrequently, the last
eruption being May 25, 2005. We didn't wait around for the next occurance.

Grand Cannon of Yellowstone. (Its big, but doesn't come close to the Grand Canyon).

The Upper Terrace - Mineral hot springs have formed these huge formations. The take up acres of area.

A rather common kind of scene.

Lake Yellowstone - Its big and beautiful!

Old Faithful

Most of the time, this is what Old Faithful looks like.

There are a lot of people waiting!

If you hang in there, you will be rewarded with this spectacular show.

On the way out of the park, I was wondering how warm the water in the river was. It was draining all those gyesers and so I wondered if the water was warm. As we drove along the river was right at the side of the road, and I told Connie I was wondering about it and was tempted to stop and see what it felt like. She said that Betty Boyd's boy ought to do that, so I did. Picture to come.