Mark Boyd's Family Web Pages.

Current Familiy History Research

I'm currently researching:

In "History of Morrow County" dated 1880, there is a comment regarding a D.M. Mosher owning a quarry in Lincoln township. I know that my great grandfather, David W. Mosher lived in Lincoln township (I have a map from 1857 showing the locations of his properties) and I know that three of his sons were stone masons. So, I'm trying to determine if this D.M. Mosher is actually David W. Mosher and if so, where exactly was his quary.
The book also states that the quarries were on the banks of Alum Creek, and in fact David Mosher's property encompassed a portion of Alum Creek.
I visited there yester, (March 19th, 2006) but wasn't able to cross the creek without wading and wasn't prepared for that.

I Wonder About:

Why Joseph Boyd left an appearently comfortable life in Maryland to move to a frontier Ohio, with a young wife and little children.

Can I determine what outfit Edmond Mosher became the surgen for when he left the 15th OVI. I have records showing that he was discharged from the 15th OVI so that he could candidate for the position of surgen in another division, but I have not determined which division, or if he was successful. Perhaps the end of the war ended that activity prematurely.


  • Get a picture of the Mosher family Bible, and the Mosher Reunion Diary onto the web site.
  • - Scan Edmond Mosher's military papers that I have.

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