Marion's Own - Home of Company D, 166th Infantry in WW1

Sgt. Bailey Diary - Pages 62-70


Aug 2nd we were relieved by the
        4th division. Happy.
      3rd We rested in a wood
             where we left our pack
             till the 11th.
      11th Left stopping in wds
             near Cht.Thray at 1 p.m.
      12th Left for Charly near
              the Marne. 
      18th Boche planes bombed near
              by towns
       18th Left Cht Thry at 1 p.m.
              on train.
       19th Unloaded at Baum
              Court at 8a.m. hiked to
              Outreme Court were we
              rested and replaced 125
       23rd Was our 1st pass in
              review in France.

page 62


Aug 25th Co got paid
       28th We left for Branf-
       29th We left for Chatonoir
             arriving at 3 a.m. on the 30th
        31st Left for Balleville stayed here until.
Sept 4th Left for a valley that
             was once a river bed.
            Rained both shoes full
            of water.
Sept 5th Left Valley at midnight
        6th Arrived at Barrzey-au
             Plain at 5 a.m.
        7th Left for Santilures Les
             Vornnes signed pay
        8th Left S. V. Arrived
             at camp Tonl Left

page 63

Sept 9th Arrived in woods.
              Name unknown.
        10th Left wood at 1:30 A M arrived
             at 5 a.m. in another woods.
              Near the front. Dug in.
       11th Spent day in woods
              Left in evening for
              front. Dug inwaiting
              our barrage to start.
              Got my orders in afternoon.
        12th Barrage started 1:00
             went over at 6:00. Keep
             the Boch going all
             day. 10,000 prisoners.
September 13th Still after Boch taking prisoners. Raining disgusted. Dug in.
September 14th Dug in in a wood waiting relieve reached Obje Tirne. Lake

page 64

     15 Still in wood. Eat
          15 pancakes. All's well
           rumor that 3rdDiv.
           will relieve us.
     16 Still in woods. 3rd
          Div. nowhere in sight
          rec. mail in evening.
     17 Left woods at 9:15 in
          morning hiked back
          to Dutch barracks 6
          kilo. Quiet on front.
     18 Nothing doing rest.
     19 Nothing doing rest.
     20 Nothing doing rest rain.
     21 Nothing to do. Rest rain.
     22 Nothing to do. Rest rain
     23 Went to the front to look
          over position for my
          platoon. Hell of a hole.

page 65


      24 Still in wood inspected
           platoon orders to dig in
           expecting Boche to shell
           dug in a trash
           pile. 70
      25 Still in woods drilled
          1 hour. Our boy attack.
           Stayed in hole all night
      26 Drilled 1 hour in forenoon
           and rested in afternoon
      27 Left at 6 p.m. a dam
           burned guide in charge of
           platoon divided in 2 parts.
      28 Stayed in holes all
           day Boche shelled a
      29 Still in holes Boche
           start to shell put over
          1000 shell in 2 hours. All
          gas mustard.
            Halladay wounded.

page 66


       30 Left front line at 10
            had a time getting platoon
           together. Don't know
           where am taking platoon
           but on my way. Arrived
           in a wood at 2:30 a.m. stop
           rest of night.
Oct. 1 Left wood at 12:30 P M
           hiked 15 kilo. loaded on
           trucks at 6 p.m. rode all
           night. Hit hole.
        2 Got off trucks at 7 a.m.
           are in Neuville N Verdens
          9 A.M.. tent up.
       3  Rest.
       4  Left Neuville En Verd
           unois at 10 AM hik
           to Jub Court 30 K ar.
           at 6 p.m.
OIR shows Leonard Bradshaw, Robert Grunden, Stanley Griffiths, Peter Kemp all killed on Sept, 30, 1918. A rough day for Co. D. (may have actually been night of 29th)

page 67


Oct  5th Left Jube Court at 1 p.m.
              hiked to woods near
              Verdun front.
        6th Rest.
        7th Rest.
        8th Rest.
        9th Rest.
        10th Left woods 9:00 p.m. and                hiked to thicket near
               front line ar. at 6a.m.
               Argonne Forest. Dead.
        11th Dug my self home.
        12th Rest. My birthday.
        13th Rest.
        14th Left Argonne for
               drive no on hill are
               some guns. w hell to take
        15th  Advance to a hill out
                side of town held.

page 68


Oct  16th Still on the hill. Shelled
        17th Still on hill shelled.
        18th Still on hill shelled.
        19th Still on a hill shelled.
        20th Still on a hill shelled.
October 21st Still on a hill shelled.
October 22nd Still on hill shelled.
October 23rd Still on hill shelled .
October 24th Was relieved by 2nd Bat. went back to Hill 240 dug in.
October 25th Rest
October 26th Rest
October 27th Rest. Airplanes thick
October 28th Rest
October 29th Rest
October 30th At 11p.m. Left hill 240 hiked 9K to rear camped on a hillside.
October 31st Rest. Barrage.

page 69

November 1st Rest.
November 2nd Rest.
November 3rd Left camp on a hillside hiked to Verpel 18 K across fields.
November 4th Left Verpel and hiked to tram way. Dug in for night.
November 5th Left tram way started on drive Tammy name of town where
we started drive from.
November 6th Advanced all day nothing doing till night then shelled to
beat hell slept in ditch rain all night.
November 7th Chehery we were relieved by French went back to Chemery.
Granpre Cotres.

page 70

Continue to Nov. 11, 1918