Mark Boyd's Family Web Pages.

2017 Florida Vacation

April 4-11, 2017
Fort Myers, Florida

This vacation was a little different because our friends Brad and Phyllis joined for four of the days in Fort Myers.

The genesis of the vacation was an article in the AAA magazine, about visiting Sanibel, and Captiva islands in Florida. I thought it sounded like something Connie would like and so I included the trip as one of her Christmas presents (not that she has to be given a trip for vacation, but it was a nice sentiment and I needed to give her something for Christmas)

I happened to be talking with Brad and mentioned that we were going on vacation to Florida and he said he and Phyllis wanted to do that. He asked where and I when I said Fort Myers, he said that was where they wanted to go, so we decided to go together.

We arrived on April 4th and drove immediately to the Mound House on Estero Island. It is the oldest structure on Estero Island, and built on top of an Indian shell mound. I thought I took a photo or two, but don't find them on my camera or phone. Maybe Connie has something.

Wednesday, April 5 (Sanibel Island)
Thur, April 6 (Naples)  
Friday, April 7 (Captiva Island)
Saturday, April 8 (Everglades, sort of & Bo's house)
Sunday, April 9 (Beach, walk & Regi's house) 
Monday, April 10 (Kayak , beach, & Mucky Duck)
Tuesday, April 11 (Walk, pack, and fly home)

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